Sunday, August 23, 2009

God Loves Mugglebugs!

So this last week I learned something very, very important. I learned that the people we love, love us so much more than I ever realized! Anyone who read my post about how I was feeling tired and discouraged could tell that I was having a rough day. But the truth is I had a really tough week. I know most of you who read my blog already know our situation, but for those who don't...

Harry has not been able to find a job. The reality of our situation is that the totality of our monthly income is less than our monthly mortgage payment. All of our other bills apart from the mortgage have gone unpaid. Without going into more detail, suffice it to say that we are really feeling this living by faith thing right about now.

So this week our friends and neighbors have poured out their love and encouragement on us. We had friends who helped us pay our electric bill, a church who is giving is $1000 (yes, that is 3 zeros) in gift cards to Shop & Save and Quick Trip and other places to help provide for our basic necessities, and friends who've so generously given of themselves and their resources to help. We've had friends and family praying for us and encouraging us, literally and figuratively holding us up during this time. In all this, I have felt so overwhelmed by the sacrificial love people have showed us.

In the midst of all this, God reached down and spoke to my heart. "You feel so overwhelmed by the unexpected demonstrations of love by your friends and brothers. How much more do you think I love you? How much more do you think I care?" Suddenly I realized that God was showing me his infinite love and mercy in a tangible way. But beyond that, I feel a deep conviction that God loves me! He cares about me! And He has not forgotten me! I am encouraged to know that He is taking care of me through His people.

How predictably unexpected!


  1. What an amazing recap! I have no idea just how much God loves us. Thanks for being my wife. And for being amazingly smart and beautiful...

  2. Dear Eva, If there is anything else in life I believe our amazing Jesus wants us to learn it is to try to understand his love for us. I think it is a concept we have to ask him to reveal to us each day! It is a lesson he continues to teach me that's for sure. I am so thankful for the people in your lives that God is using to bless you! That is awesome!! I didn't know about your situation, I will pray for you!!

  3. thanks for having us over the other night. you guys have been in my prayers for the last couple weeks and i will continue to pray for you and harry, and of course those beautiful children of yours. please let us know if there is anythingthat we can do for you guys. i am so glad for the friendship that we have been creating. we love you guys

  4. Harry and Eva,

    Praise God for His awesome provision! We are behind you all the way. So glad we have such an awesome Savior! Hang in there!
